Simplify the activity of your association with the CRM to better federate

Business & Management - Contact Relationship Management - Data - Digital - Innovation - Marketing & Communication - Performance - Strategy

Stéphanie Gaillard By Stéphanie Gaillard

Stéphanie recommends you download our white paper “The CRM at the heart of professional associations”

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Enjeux CRM Associations et Fondations

The challenges of a professional association? Federate and defend a profession or a sector while offering a set of services for its members.
So that professional organisations can devote themselves to their defence and promotion mission, Eudonet CRM has developed software for associations , which automates certain administrative missions while ensuring a good relationship with their professional network: members, volunteers, public authorities, partners …

The CRM participates in the organisation of associative life

By centralising all administrative information in a collaborative database, the Eudonet CRM allows professional associations to get to know each other better. Indeed, associative life exists thanks to and through the work of its elected representatives and its permanent members. It is therefore important for associations to follow each other’s role.
This monitoring applies for example within the framework of the measurement of representativeness. A regular exercise, which takes time: checking the information, verifying it and presenting it publicly … With an associative CRM tool, in a few clicks, you update all the data and save time.

Know when and how to communicate with its members using a CRM

CRM is THE solution that allows you to: quickly fill in, modify and segment a database of contacts.
By following the path of the members within your association, you will be able to determine the most opportune moments to communicate with them and especially how: emailing, SMS, event … It is up to you to establish a privileged relationship with all your members and to maintain that relation.
Example 1: you want to carry out an emailing or SMS campaign for members who are nearing the end of their membership? Filter your membership database to create a mailing list, program your email and you’re done!
Example 2: a conference event to train and regroup your members around a theme? Invite all your contacts from your CRM. It brings together all your privileged marketing tools in a single platform to save you time and manage your associative life efficiently.

Centralise all your data in a CRM

Eudonet CRM is aware of the importance of integrating your business processes at the heart of the solution. This is why we have developed a feature that allows you to stay in touch with your members at all times: manage and respond to all their requests from their member area using the “ticket” system. It is Eudonet which forms the link between your extranet and the portal and centralises all the exchanges and responses provided to build your own knowledge base. If the same question is asked several times, you will easily find the response protocol.